In this blog, we’ll be making a case for why an Insights team should consider Explorazor for Brand Managers, discussing the problem with current dashboarding tools, and how Explorazor will benefit Insights Teams massively.
Before we begin, just a quick introduction to Explorazor – it is a data exploration tool designed specifically for Brand Managers to obtain instant data pivots on an all-inclusive, integrated dataset, using a simple search functionality, with the ability to pin insights to dashboard and download any data point as a CSV file.
Let’s begin:
Now, a part of the job for an Insights team is to introduce new products/tools in the company to help Brand Managers –
- Extract the maximum out of the data – as in, extracting the best insights which lead to the best decisions
- Doing so in a manner that eases, not complicates, a Brand Manager’s interactions with the data

We interviewed 100+ Brand Managers from Unilever, Nestle, Reckitt, Glenmark, Godrej, and more, asking them about the lives of Brand Managers and the various data-related challenges they face. We then developed Explorazor, the data exploration tool in question, in such a way as to
- Help Brand Managers get any data pivots instantly
- Ensure that it is so simple, that Brand Managers have no difficulty in adopting it
Regarding the instant data pivots, it is possible on Explorazor because Explorazor hosts all data in an integrated manner. Think of Kantar, Nielsen, IQVIA, primary sales, secondary sales, media, and every other dataset, all combined into one. Regarding the instant adoption, there is no end-user difficulty in usage, nor is there any novel proposal – Explorazor simply seeks to improve their Excel experience, without leaving Excel entirely.
Brand Managers are strikingly similar in their possession of skill sets, job roles, and the right personality traits, so the background they came from didn’t prove to be an adoption hindrance as well.
The Problem with Dashboarding Tools
The major part of a Brand Manager’s job is to ensure that the brand is operating smoothly, across geographies. To do this on a typical BI dashboard, they would have to make, manage, and maintain tens of dashboards at a time. Workload is increased.
Additionally, the data is stored individually, with no communication between them whatsoever. Creating a connection between them to answer ad-hoc queries is a painstaking task, and Brand Managers simply ask the Insights Team to revert with an answer to their ad-hoc queries.
Finally, even if the dashboarding tool is able to do all of this, Brand Managers educating themselves on the ins and outs of the tool and how to use it, is, simply put, not going to happen. As a Growth Analytics Lead of a 35,000+ employee company told us “There are so many tools in a company, but nobody uses them. They just pose questions to us!”
Such is the case of the average company – BI tools that help create dashboards are lying unused because they don’t help people (in our case, Brand Managers) ease their daily lives.
Benefiting Both Parties
The primary reason for Insights Teams to consider Explorazor for their Brand Managers is that Explorazor empowers the Brand Manager to ‘Do It Himself’. No longer is the Brand Manager dependent on anyone to run ad-hoc analysis. The win-win here is that the Insights Team’s time is freed up to concentrate on what they should actually be doing – strategizing for the long-term, running different types of modeling on different datasets to create better forecasts and targets for the business, and so on.
Consider an example: Suppose your company owns an apparel brand present in retail stores across the nation. Now as an Insights Team, you can focus on things like mapping out the loyalty base in each region, and studying why it is shifting, if that’s the case. You can then start benchmarking competition and finding out if a particular campaign they ran during that time period led to a shift in the loyalty base. If sales showed de-growth in stores in a particular city during the year-end, you can dig deep to find the exact answer for it – it may be something as minute as the discount scheme offered by competition being better than yours. You can design loyalty programs to win back your customer base, in addition to ensuring you have a better discount scheme the next time around. In a utopian and very possible scenario, Brand Managers would be thanking you over emails and town halls.
All of this is possible, if only you have the freedom to execute what you are capable of.
Insights team should consider Explorazor for Brand Managers. If you are interested in knowing more about Explorazor, kindly schedule a 30-min demo call with us here.
If you want to understand how Explorazor helps Brand Managers explore data on an integrated dataset, we suggest you skim through the ‘3 Types of Analysis Brand Managers can Perform Super-Easily on Explorazor’ blog.
Take an Interactive Product tour of Explorazor.