Brand and sales teams have to drill-down (some call it double-click) on data all the time to conduct root-cause analysis. Let’s explore how to conduct deep exploration, or drill-down and drill-across, on Explorazor.
Explorazor is a data exploration and analysis platform that mitigates most of Excel’s drawbacks that Brand & Sales Managers have when working on multiple files on Excel. On Explorazor, managers work on a single integrated, standardized dataset that produces data pivots instantly when queried via a simple search interface.
(Hey, we’re improving! In addition to this blog, be sure to check out more updates to the root cause analysis feature)
Arriving at the ACTUAL Root Cause with Explorazor
Why do we say ‘actual’? Because with Explorazor, users conduct drill-down on the entire data at a time. Such exploration power allows managers to start their investigation, say from a Brand, all the way to an SKU, in an almost seamless fashion.
Let’s use screenshots from Explorazor to understand how Explorazor eases data exploration via drill-down and drill-across:
- Here we are on the ‘Ask’ section of the Explorazor screen, where we have the Dimensions and Measures to the left and the space for simple querying at the center-top.
The following query has already been entered: ‘Quarterly Market Share Value of Alpha Supplement (Brand) for All-India’. We did this by entering four keywords:
- MS Value
- Quarterly
- Alpha Supplement
- All India
Filtering by Alpha Supplement in ‘Brand’ and All India in ‘Market’ and opting for a simple line graphical representation shows us that MS Value has been more or less consistent over the past 12 quarters, but displaying gradual degrowth since the spike in Q2-21.
2. Since the Market Share is down, has it impacted Market Sales in the same manner as well?
Let’s find out by viewing the ‘Absolute Growth in Market Sales of brand Alpha Supplement on a quarterly basis’.
We are now interested in performing a root cause analysis of Quarter 2 – 2022, so we click on it to do the same. Notice the clean interface that allows readers to take in all the information at once.
By the way, when it comes to intuitive query recognition and time period filters, Explorazor is much smarter than Power BI. To quote a couple of lines from the linked blog “If there are certain parameters in Power BI which you want to look at but which are not present on the dashboard, you cannot do so until you edit the entire dashboard.
With Explorazor, users can drill down into as well as drill across a particular data point”.
3. Back to the steps: Market Sales Value has been highlighted as the area of our interest. From the list of further possible exploration areas, let’s select ‘Geo classification’ and analyze the results:
4. Drilling across by adding ‘Market’ to the set of applied filters, we learn that even in this degrowth, North has performed exceedingly well. East, South, and West are major areas of concern, in that order.

Simplicity At The Core
Explorazor has simplified the data analysis process of managers through multiple custom-built features such as the drill-down & drill-across we saw above. The intuitive search interface and the ease of display navigation, in addition to the core offering of working on an all-inclusive, integrated dataset make Explorazor the first choice for managers wanting to ease their day-to-day data exploration and decision-making processes.
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